Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

Looking To Get Married?

The search for a perfect life partner is high up in most people’s life goals. And once we discover our perfect match, the highs and lows of relationships consume much of our energy and emotions.

‘True Love’ and the ‘Perfect’ Life Partner…?

For some, it happens in college or university. For many, it happens after spending years...

Life Lessons for a Happy Marriage

The search for a perfect life partner is high up in most people’s life goals...

The Holy Prophet (saw) has said:

"When a man has married he has fulfilled one half of his religion."

As Muslims, we are most fortunate to have such clear guidance on our responsibilities and our conduct in marriage as we do from the Holy Qur’an and in the beautiful and loving practice of the Holy Prophet (saw).

As Ahmadis, we are especially blessed and fortunate to have these teachings brought to life again by the Imam of the Latter Days, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) of Qadian and his Khulafa.

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Islam's Advice on Marriage.

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